It seems like the last few weeks have been a blur. Searching for a home is stressful to say the least. I feel like I have been going through the daily motions of life and not stopping to "smell the roses" like I try so consciously to do. Being a mom, working full-time, taking care of my father and most recently a first time home owner is wearing me down. Before I have a nervous breakdown I need to take my own "Registered Holistic Nutritionist" advice and smell the freakin' roses before my Nervous System back fires on me.
The Nervous System is the master control center in the body. It is designed to allow rapid internal communication by detecting and responding to constant changes inside and outside the body. None of our body systems (Digestive, Cardiovascular, Immune, Lymphatic.etc) are capable of functioning alone as they all work together to maintain homeostasis (balance). The Nervous System is the chief of all the systems.
Here are some recommendations to support and keep your control center healthy.
Reduce or eliminate caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system. Heavy daily caffeine use (4 to 7 cups of coffee a day) can cause: insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, nausea or other gastrointestinal problems, fast or irregular heartbeat, muscle tremors, headaches and/or anxiety.
Reduce or eliminate cigarette smoking. "Many smokers perceive smoking as a way to calm stress, when, in fact, what they're doing is satisfying nicotine cravings and withdrawal," says Rob Cunningham, senior policy analyst for the Canadian Cancer Society. "In many respects, smoking — or the delay in having a cigarette — is the cause of stress."
Drink two liters of pure water daily. Avoid tap water and water softeners. Replace tea and coffee with herbal teas and restrict intake of alcohol. Alcohol decreases the function of the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for muscle co-ordination, maintenance of balance and posture.
Consider taking a high quality Vitamin B complex and a proper ratio of Calcium:Magnesium (facilitate nerve conductivity).
Incorporate these potassium rich foods in your daily dietary regimen which support the adrenal glands: raw almonds, avocados, yams, lettuce, lentils, spinach, pineapple, strawberries, kale, bananas and brown rice.
Incorporate foods rich in EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids) which are beneficial for hyperactivity in children and nervous system conditions such as, depression and "burn out", in adults. Some of my favourite EFAs sources are flax seed and salmon.
Practice stress management: yoga, long walks (without your blackberry), shiatsu, massage (massage will also help with skeletal and muscular problems)....
deep breathing meditation and spiritual readings.
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