Common Cold Remedies

Caught that cold everyone has? I did.
Here are some tips to get rid of that pesky visitor.

1) Rest – The number one ‘must’ to get rid of your cold. If you can’t find the time to do this (work, school, kids) you are just going to have to do it if you want this little bugger to go away. Being well rested helps your body direct it’s energy toward the immune battle against your cold. Help out your immune system by taking the time to lay down. That means if you are a busy mother and time is almost extinct in your life try to lay down when the little one if down for a nap. The pile of laundry and sink full of dishes can wait for your husband (they may be waiting for a while but they can wait).

2) Vitamin C – Pick-up some ‘Emergen-C’. Convenient little packets of 1,000mg of Vitamin C and a bunch of other vitamins and minerals. Easy to use: dissolve in a glass of water and drink! Comes in a variety of flavours. I personally like Lemon-Lime, but they are all tasty. You can buy them about everywhere these days; health food stores, pharmacies, grocery stores. Vitamin C boosts your immune system, reduces the intensity and duration of cold systems.

3) Water – When you are sick the membranes of the respiratory tract become super dry. A dry throat invites unwanted organisms to settle and reproduce. Drinking water will keep your throat moist, prevent you from becoming dehydrated and help break up congestion. 8-10 eight-ounce glasses of water daily is generally recommended for the average adult.

4) Oil of Oregano – This stuff tastes vile but it works! Oil of Oregano is an excellent early defense mechanism when you feel a cold or sore throat coming on. If you are already sick, it will help clear up sinus congestion and will boost your depressed immune system.

5) Garlic – Garlic appears to shorten a cold’s duration and severity due to its immune boosting capabilities and antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. You can take the odorless tablet form or you can eat it in its raw form. If you are choosing the latter make sure to chop or mash the garlic to release it’s active component, allicin, which only forms when in contact with the air.

6) Salt water gargle – Again like the Oil of Oregano- gross but effective. The salt draws out the mucosa in the throat and the gargle eases the irritation in the throat. Try half a teaspoon of sea slat dissolves in 8-ounces of warm water 3-4 times daily.
The information presented here is not intended to replace professional medical care when needed. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for disease diagnosis, therapy choice, medicine selection and dosage.

Spring Cleaning: Your Body

Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twentieth century than ever before. Our food contains more refined sugar and salt. It goes through extensive refining and processing being robbed of its natural, nutritious and healing properties. Our water and air are polluted. Radiation and nuclear power surrounds us in tidal waves; we can’t see them but we know they are there. Headaches, muscle or joint pain are “healed” by various stimulants and sedatives. We take all these toxins in on a daily bases without even really noticing it until our body cries for help.

Toxicity occurs in our body when we take in more than we can utilize and eliminate. The balance in our body (homeostasis) is disturbed when we feed ourselves more than we can utilize or partake of specific substances that are toxic. A toxin may produce an immediate or rapid onset of symptoms (depending on the dosage, potency or frequency of the toxin), it may cause some long-term negative effect. Such as cigarette smoke usage overtime can lead to lung cancer and heart disease. Cancer and cardiovascular disease are two of the main toxicity diseases we are seeing more of in our time. Arthritis, allergies, digestive disorders, headaches, fatigue, frequent colds and obesity are other common dis-eases in the body we see more and more of, which can all be related to toxicity.

Where do Toxins come from?
There are two types of toxins, Exogenous and Endogenous.

EXOGENOUS: things we are taking in from the outside which enter through the mouth, skin and the lungs.
i.e – Refined and processed foods, pesticides, food additives, preservatives, tap water, household cleaners, environmental pollution, cosmetics/creams/soaps/perfumes, plastics, air fresheners, microwave ovens, Teflon coated cookware and radiation.

ENDOGENOUS: things we are producing through metabolism.
i.e-by-products of digestion, fermented undigested foods from overeating, fungal and parasite waste products, cellular wastes and acidity (acid-forming foods, negative thoughts and emotions).

STRESS is a toxin – Immunity becomes depressed due to Internal (Endogenous) and External (Exogenous).

TOXINS are stored in:
• Fat
• Liver
• Gall Bladder
• GI Tract
• Kidneys
• Blood
• Lungs
• Lymph

Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity
• Poor skin quality (acne, eczema, psoriasis, dryness)
• Dark or yellow circles/bags under the eyes
• Headaches (sinus, tension, migraine)
• Allergies (sinus inflammation, congestion, itchy eyes and skin)
• Congestion
• Aches and pains (arthritis, gout, stiff muscles and joints, low back pains)
• Female Cycle Disturbances (painful periods, PMS, menopausal symptoms, irregular periods, cysts)
• Unstable emotions (grumpiness, anxiety, depression, mood swings)
• Low sex drive
• Negative mind patterns (overactive mind, negative thoughts, difficulty concentrating)
• Fatigue/Insomnia
• Frequent colds/Respiratory problems(coughing, wheezing, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pneumonia)
• Constipation/Diarrhea/Hemorrhoids
• Poor digestion (bloating, acid reflux, gas, abdominal pain, nausea)
• Diseases of the Digestive System (Crohn’s, Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• Infections (bacteria, viruses, fungus, parasites, worms)
• Weight problems/Eating disorders
• Addictions (Drugs, Alcohol, Coffee, Sugar)

What can we do about it?
You’ve just read the Signs and Symptoms of Toxicity and you have one or maybe a handful on the list. So what can you do about it? Detoxify.

What is Detoxification?
Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing them, and clearing excess mucus and congestion. You should not detoxify if you are Pregnant (during and while breast-feeding), have Diabetes, Hypoglycemia or Cancer. Results can be fatal. You should always seek the guidance of a qualified Holistic Nutritionist when attempting to detoxify.

Holistic Nutritionists help their clients by analyzing their current health status and finding ways to improve areas of imbalances through diet and lifestyle changes. They recognize the connection between the individual’s biochemical, mental, spiritual and environmental states, and how each directly affects their health. Since no two people have the same body chemistry, the approach to each individual is always unique. Different people need different things. What is lacking in one person may not be lacking in another. It all depends on your particular body chemistry. Holistic Nutritionists work together with their clients by educating them and giving them the tools to achieve and maintain a lifestyle that is balanced, fulfilling, nourished and whole.

A few tips that apply to most people who are currently eating an average North American diet.
• Avoid Congesting foods (meat, bad fats, refined flours, refined sugar, dairy)
• Eat a diet rich in non-glutenous whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh pressed juice, fresh spring water, raw nuts and seeds.
• Replace animal products (meat, poultry, dairy, fish and eggs) with alternative protein sources such as legumes, grains, greens, sprouts, nuts and seeds.
• Eliminate caffeine, alcohol, recreational drugs and tobacco.
• Eat in a calm and relaxed state
• Chew food thoroughly
• Keep meals simple and avoid overeating
• Manage stress

The information presented here is not intended to replace professional medical care when needed. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for disease diagnosis, therapy choice, medicine selection and dosage.

Move of the Month: The Side Bend

The Side Bend exercise is to enhance lateral mobility of the spine. It primarily targets the transversus abdominis, deep pelvic floor, obliques, hip extensors and scapular stabilizers. Attention should be paid to the abdominal contraction to prevent rib cage from rotating or popping. The cervical spine should stay aligned with the thoracic spine.

The Side Bend modifications:
a) Bring the feet closer to or further away from body to increase/decrease difficulty.
b) Leave the bottom knee on the mat, do not fully extend that leg (less pressure in the supporting arm & shoulder).

The Side Bend exercise:
1) Begin by sitting on your side, knees bent with top leg laterally rotated and foot flat on mat slightly forward of you sit-bones. Your bottom leg is resting on the mat with foot behind top foot. Your upper body is supported on one hand flat to the ground in line with your hip and your other arm is resting on your knee with the palm up.
2) Inhale, stabilize your supporting shoulder and lift pelvis towards the ceiling by extending legs out. You should be completely sidelong to the ground, with only your feet and one hand touching the floor. The rest of your body should be propped up in the air.
3) Simultaneously, reach your free arm overhead framing your face.
4) Keep your eyes focused ahead
5) Exhale while bringing your free arm back to your side, bending your knees and lowering your pelvis to the mat.

Repeat 3-5 times on each side

Always consult your doctor for medical advice and treatment before starting any exercise program. If you should experience any pain or discomfort, please discontinue the exercise and consult your doctor immediately.

The information presented here is not intended to replace professional medical care when needed. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for disease diagnosis, therapy choice, medicine selection and dosage.