Meditation Made Easy: 10 Steps to finding your Inner Self

Though the ancient practice of meditation has been around for centuries, it's modern relevance and practicality can be the cutting edge tool to transform your life, and give you the heightened ability to excel at whatever your life's goals are.

Meditation is not some complicated ritual that only some people are able to do. Rather it is our human birthright for all of us to be able to meditate.

Meditation is not about emptying the mind of all thoughts, rather it is about being able to calm the mind, so that we may be able to become aware of our thoughts.

Think of it like this. When we meditate, it allows our brain waves to slow, so that eventually our mind becomes like a still pond. And within that still pond, we are then able to look into the pond, and see all of our thoughts.

When we become aware of our thoughts, we are then able to see certain things about the way we make choices in our lives, or the way we react to things, and this awareness is powerful. Because this awareness gives us the power to change the thought patterns that hold us back, and allow us to consciously create new ways of thinking and patterning.

When we first begin to meditate, you will encounter a lot of resistance. It may come up in the form of not making time to meditate, feeling frigidity, allowing ourselves to get distracted and giving up before even giving it a fair try! Like anything in life, meditation is a skill that takes time and practice to develop.

Meditation also helps to connect you to your inner knowing. What does that mean? Simple put, meditation helps you to find the answers that you have been searching for within yourself. It can also allow you to have more Joy, energy, vitality, clarity of thought, more patience and a different perspective!

20 Minutes of meditation is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep!

So, why not give it a try?

To get you started here's a simple meditation that everyone can practice:

1.) Try and do this at least 3 times a week for 10 minutes in the morning, and 10 minutes in the evening.

2.) Find a quite spot where you will be distraction free. You can either meditate sitting on the floor (I suggest leaning against the wall sitting on a pillow or folded up blanket) or sitting in a comfortable chair with your arm supported.

3.) You can't meditate lying down! That's called sleeping! The reason we suggest that you sit to meditate is because the top of your head, where your crown chakra is located needs to be in what we call the etheric energies. Don't worry about what all of this is, just sit up to meditate. Trust me, you'll be a lot more successful if you do it this way!

The Chakras

4.) Now with the palms of your hands facing up, fingers open, close your eyes and begin to breath. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Do this for 3 or 4 deep breaths.

5.) Now place the tip of your tongue just behind your front teeth, where you can feel where the gum and teeth connect.

6.) Not focus on your breath. Breath in for 4 counts, and breath out for 4 counts. When I started doing this in my mind it went something like this, in -2-3-4, out- 2-3-4, and as I did this you'll notice that I would breath in on the in and out on the out.

7.) It's okay if at first it just seems like your counting in and out, because as your practice this, your breathing will naturally become even on the inhalation and exhalation!

8.) You may find that as you do this, your mind may be thinking about other things at the same time! That's ok too!! It just takes time and practice, and you know what? Even the most seasoned meditators still experience this!!! So just keep practicing, and it will get easier!

9.) Avoid giving up! When you get distracted, just bring yourself back to your breath, and I promise, if you do the work on your end, you will notice amazing results!

10 ) Have fun, and enjoy the journey!


Ai-Linn Chua is a Registered Nurse, Certified Yoga Instructor, Teacher and Guide in Metaphysics with the Modern Mystery School. She is also a Natural Healing Practitioner and teaches various classes and healing modalities across the GTA through the Modern Mystery School

You can follow Ai-Linn on her blog, Everyday Gratitude - My Adventures Through Life.  

The information presented here is not intended to replace professional medical care when needed. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for disease diagnosis, therapy choice, medicine selection and dosage. 

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The photographs in this post belong to Melissa Macchione. Unauthorized use is prohibited. If you have any questions please contact the administrator.

My Garden: Fresh Vegetables, their Health Benefits and Zucchini Flower Patties!

Grape Tomatoes
I planted my garden later than usual this year but fortunately we are finally getting some sweet swiss chard and various types of tomatoes, crunchy cucumbers, hot banana peppers and my favourite of them all, zucchini flowers. I've been taking pictures on my blackberry as my little garden grows. Below are some pictures I took recently of my little beauties.

This wouldn't be a Nutritionist's blog unless I wrote the health benefits of each vegetable and herb as well include a quick, easy and delicious recipe. This recipe was my mother's, most of "my" recipes were hers. Zucchini Flower Patties are the perfect summer appetizer. I serve them while guests are waiting for the main course. That usually is BBQ in the summer months.They pair well with a chardonnay and a dollop of  tzatziki sauce. When I made these over the weekend I served them with a fresh tomato salad (from my garden, of course) drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, a sweet balsamic vinegar and a little sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

                                                              Welcome to my Garden

Pickling Cucumber

Cucumber is the best natural diuretic known, secreting and promoting the flow of urine. It helps in kidney and urinary bladder disease, liver disease and pancreatic disease. The potassium content of cucumber makes it highly useful for conditions of high and low blood pressure. Cucumber contains erepsin, the enzyme that helps to digest protein.

Hungarian Wax Peppers

All peppers are rich in vitamins A, C and K, Antioxidant vitamins A and C help to prevent cell damage, cancer, aging (reducing inflammation), arthritis, asthma and directly support your immune system. Vitamin K promotes proper blood clotting, strengthens bones and protects cells from oxidative damage.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Flavonoids exist in basil, which help to protect cells and chromosomes from damage. Studies have shown that two of these flavonoids in particular, orientin and vicenin, are useful in protecting cell structures and chromosomes from damage by radiation and oxygen.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard contains, get this, 800% of your daily vitamin K intake. Wowza! According to there's six to eight times the recommended daily amount in just one cup of boiled chard. As mentioned above, vitamin K helps you maintain strong and healthy bones. Swiss Chard also contains high amounts of the antioxidant vitamins, A and C. 

Roma Tomatoes

One of the most well known tomato eating benefit is its' Lycopene content. Lycopene is a vital anti-oxidant that helps in the fight against cancerous cell formation as well as other kinds of health complications and diseases.

Free radicals in the body can be flushed out with high levels of Lycopene, and the tomato is so amply loaded with this vital anti-oxidant that it actually derives its rich redness from the nutrient. 

Lovely Zucchini Flowers from my garden. LOVE!

                                                             Zucchini Flower Patties

What you need: 

Zucchini flowers, 1 tbsp chopped Parsley, 1 egg (for every 4 zucchini flowers), Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Unbleached Spelt Flour (1/4 cup for every 4 zucchini flowers) , Sea Salt and Ground Black Pepper to taste

What to do:

Remove stem and pistil of flowers, rinse in cold water and set aside.

Whisk egg. Add salt, pepper and chopped parsley. Slowly stir in flour.

Squeeze excess water from flowers and add to paste.

Place flower (which is now covered in paste) in medium-hot frying pan with 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Fry til golden brown on each side. Add more oil if necessary.

Place on paper towel, sprinkle with sea salt and serve immediately (they are best served hot!)

The photographs in this post belong to Melissa Macchione. Unauthorized use is prohibited. If you have any questions please contact the administrator.
The information presented here is not intended to replace professional medical care when needed. Consult a qualified healthcare practitioner for disease diagnosis, therapy choice, medicine selection and dosage.